Last Week’s Report- March 29, 2020:
We have added some new stats (FB/ Youtube # of people reached for the AM/ PM videos)
FB/ Youtube Reach: Morning …..1,664 Evening…..1,182
All on Campus: Morning …..NA Evening…..NA
Weekly Budget Needs…..$16,218.00
Budget Receipts…..$8,924.45
Total Offerings…..$12,720.45
Annie Armstrong to Date…..$2,290.00
Building Fund…..$112.00
Capital Giving Pledges…..$2,645.00
We have ordered a drop box that will be mounted to the wall outside the Office so that you can securely leave your tithes and offerings if we are not in the Office. We hope to have it installed as soon as it arrives next week. Until then, you may mail to PO Box 684, drop by the Office, pay online through our website ( or use your online billpay through your bank.
Until we can worship together again in person, keep praising Jesus and praying for one another!