Mar '20

Last Week’s Bulletin Report-3/22/20
Mar '20

Sunday School …..NA
All on Campus
Morning …..NA Evening…..NA
Weekly Budget Needs…..$16,218.00
Budget Receipts…..$19,063.00
Total Offerings…..$19,828.00
Annie Armstrong to Date…..$1,995.00
Building Fund…..$0.00
Capital Giving Pledges…..$340.00
Mar '20

Prayer in the Parking Lot- Cancelled
Mar '20

“Southside Family:
After hearing the latest headlines, meeting with the staff, and speaking with state and denominational leaders, I have decided to cancel our “Prayer in the Parking Lot” services this evening. I was greatly looking forward to it, but believe this to be the best course of action for us all.
Pastor Kyle”
Mar '20

Tutorial & FAQ’s for Southside– Princeton APP
Mar '20

Tutorial & FAQ’s for Southside– Princeton APP
Congratulations on downloading The Sharefaith App!
Haven’t downloaded it yet? Not to worry! Simply click on your device’s respective store link: Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
- Open Sharefaith app
- In the “Find Your Church/ Ministry” search bar, type “Southside– Princeton”
- Tap “Southside– Princeton”, tap “Save”
- Tap “My Ministry” if you want to use the SSB Icon
- Tap “Allow” for notifications
- Choose the Southside Icon, and then tap close
- Click “OK”
- Once set up, the app may take 5-10 minutes to fully install
Mar '20

Prayer in the Parking Lot
Mar '20

Join us THIS Wednesday night at 6pm for our Wednesday Night Service- in the PARKING LOT.
Stay in your cars, roll down your windows, as Pastor Kyle leads us in a time of prayer and worship
The parking areas by the Church Office, main lot and grassy area will be available. Please be courteous of others and park so that we may get as many that would like to participate in (we plan on having some parking attendants as well to help).
Pastor Kyle will preach from the corner of the Church where the parking lots meet.
Prayer notes will be available via the SSB app or at the time of service (we will have folks with gloves on to pass them out)
We can’t wait to see you (from a safe distance of course!)