Pastor Boyd Responds To The Idea That There Are Multiple Ways To Heaven

The Daily Wire on December 16, 2018, published a discussion between Ben Shapiro and Bishop Robert Barron. Ben Shapiro serves as editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire; he also is a conservative political commentator and a lawyer. Bishop Robert Barron is one of the most respected Catholic scholars in America. He serves as the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He is also the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. These two men came together to discuss what I believe is the most important question of life and that is, “who gets to go to Heaven?”
In the discussion, Ben Shapiro states that he is an Orthodox Jew (which means he denies the deity of Christ). He says he lives a good life, he is very religious, he keeps the Ten Commandments, and he even tries to advance Judeo Christian values in the public square. However, Ben makes it clear he does not believe Jesus is the Messiah and then he asks Bishop Barron whether or not he will be allowed into heaven. Bishop Barron here is supposedly representing the side that believes in the deity of Christ. However, he responds by telling Ben Shapiro that He can still find salvation without directly believing in the divinity of Jesus. Bishop Barron cites the Second Vatican Council for the justification for his answer. In essence, Bishop Barron is saying there are many different paths one can take to find salvation and be allowed into heaven.
I have much respect for Bishop Barron, but on this issue, he is dead wrong. What we must do with this very important question is put our emotions and preferences aside and allow Jesus to speak for Himself. Jesus clearly taught the path to Heaven is a narrow path and few find it (Matt. 7:13-14). Jesus clearly taught this narrow path to heaven is through Him alone (John 14:6). Jesus could not be clearer throughout the Bible the only way to Heaven is through trusting in Him (Acts 4:12). Those who deny that Jesus is the only way to Heaven whether they realize it or not are calling Jesus a liar. Furthermore, if there is more than just one way to Heaven than this means Jesus’ death was absolutely pointless. Why would Jesus go through the gruesome death on a cross if there were multiple other ways to get to Heaven? If we truly believe Jesus is the Messiah then we must believe what He has said. He said He is the only way for humanity to be forgiven of their sins and He proved that in dying for us on the cross. The good news is salvation is free to all who will believe in Him (Jesus) (John 3:16).
Regardless of popular opinion that there are many ways that lead to Heaven, I am sticking with Jesus on this one!
#William Baxter Boyd is the Senior Pastor of Southside Baptist Church in Princeton, KY. Be on the lookout for the launch of Pastor Boyd’s new podcast, blog, and website ministry. Pastor Boyd will address issues ranging from World News, Politics, and Theology. This ministry is designed to keep you informed of what is happening in our world and more importantly how to see these events with a biblical worldview.
Pastor Boyd Responds To The Idea That Gender Is Mutable

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) is a powerful college faculty union that is attempting to make gender changeable and optional. The AAUP is launching attacks on those who disagree with them about the mutability of gender. For example, they have attacked the leadership of the countries of Hungary, Poland, Brazil, and others because the leadership of those countries have denied the scholarship that suggests that gender identity is variable. The AAUP has attacked the Trump administration because the administration has defined gender as “biological” and an “immutable condition” determined at birth. The AAUP has also attacked Bible-believing Christians by calling us “religious fundamentalists who are biased based on ideology, not facts”.
What the AAUP and activists for the transgender movement need to understand is the fact that they are ultimately attacking God and His plan. In Genesis 1:27 the Bible says, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” From the solid foundation of God’s Word, we see that God’s plan for gender is binary. There are only two genders male and female, “XX” and “XY”. It is also clear from God’s creation of humanity that gender is neither optional nor changeable. God determines every human’s gender and that gender is given to an individual for a wonderful life (Jeremiah 29:11). God does not make mistakes; the gender He gives us at birth is given to us so we can fulfill His plan for our life. Nothing is more satisfying than living out the life God wants us to live.
The whole issue of believing that gender is optional and changeable boils down to the sin of pride. Pride has been a problem from the very beginning of God’s creation. In fact, Lucifer fell from Heaven because of the pride in his heart (Isaiah 14:12-15). What transgender activists are saying is this, “God we know better than you do. You were mistaken when you created us because we are not the right gender. We are going to change what you created.” In other words, what transgender activists are doing is dethroning God and putting themselves on the throne. This is the essence of pride.
#William Baxter Boyd is the Senior Pastor of Southside Baptist Church in Princeton, KY. Be on the lookout for the launch of Pastor Boyd’s new podcast, blog, and website ministry. Pastor Boyd will address issues ranging from World News, Politics, and Theology. This ministry is designed to keep you informed of what is happening in our world and more importantly how to see these events with a biblical worldview.