Our Southside family is invited to participate in this ministry. We have a goal of 100 backpacks from Southside. Below is a list of items needed in each backpack. There is a Christmas Tree with gift tags on the branches beside the information desk in front of the
church office. You may choose one gift tag or several gift tags and purchase the items listed on the tag(s). Each tag has the gender and age of the child on the front and the items to purchase on the back. Drop off your backpacks and donations in the large tubs located outside the church office near the Christmas tree.
Donations need to be in no later than September 18.
Please pray for these children and this project and help make this a special Christmas for many under privileged children in Kentucky.
Stuffed animal (ages 2=13), 1-2 toys, toothbrush/toothpaste, soap and washcloth, at least one food item, at least 2 clothing items, 2-3 school supplies (ages 4-17}, at least 2 items from “Other” (see list), copy of the Christmas Story (supplied by church).
Stuffed Animals: Any type of stuffed animal, small to medium in size
Toys: Small cars, balls, dolls, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, small Etch A Sketch, play doh, Slinky, Frisbee, card games, etc.
Hygiene Items: In addition to toothpaste/toothbrush and soap, washcloth— shampoo, hairbrush/comb, pony tail holders, barrettes, hair clips, etc
Food: Canned food items with pop-tops (nothing that requires a can opener and NO PLASTIC CONTAINERS), protein bars, hard candy (NO CHOCOLATE) , lollipops, mints, gum, etc. (NO FOOD ITEMS WITH PEANUT BUTTER OR NUTS) .
Clothing: T-shirts, underwear, socks, warm hat, gloves, scarf, ball cap, fleece pullover, warm outerwear, etc.
School Supplies: crayons, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, spiral
notebooks, scissors, etc.
Other: Children’s or teens Bible (KJV, God’s Word, or CSB version), Christian books (age appropriate), sunglasses, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries)
Additional items to consider if packing for older children (11-17):
Girls: lip gloss, costume jewelry, scarves, bracelets, craft kits, journals, fun socks and/or slippers, doodle books, Spirograph kit, feminine hygiene products, softballs, etc.
Boys: LEGOS, card games, hand-held electronic games (with extra
batteries), baseballs, Nerf footballs, etc.
**Please DO NOT include any food items that are perishable or that can be easily crushed or opened while in transit.
**Please DO NOT include any knives or military toys.