FaceBook Live at 11am- Prayer

Join Pastor Kyle Noffsinger in a time of prayer for our Nation and our Community on FaceBook Live at 11am today

Weekly Report 3/15

Last Week’s Bulletin Report-3/15/20

Weekly Report 3/15

Last Week’s Report

Sunday School …………..218

All on Campus  Morning ………….368    Evening …………..NA

Weekly Budget Needs…………..$16,218.00 

Budget Receipts…………..$11,627.68

Total Offerings…………..$14,657.68


Building Fund…………..$160.00

Capital Giving Pledges…………..$2,170.00

Annie Armstrong to date…………..$1,795.00
Until we can all be within 6 foot of one-another again as a Church Family, we will post the Weekly Report (found on the back page of the bulletin) online.

To send in correspondence and tithes/ offerings, you may mail to:
Southside Baptist Church
PO Box 684
Princeton, KY 42445

or you may give online at:

The article, “Remain faithful in giving responsibility to your church” by Alan Witham lists several ways to give during this unprecedented season

We Are Still Connected With You

Digital Newsletter: We Are Still Connected With You 
Click HERE for the entire newsletter, and HERE to signup to receive Southside’s email

Caring & Connected

So much is happening and it is happening at a rapid pace. How can we stay connected to our Church family and let others know we care? Pastor Kyle has these suggestions:

  • Check on your neighbors and fellow Church Members
  • Call or email the Church and let us know of prayer request and praises
  • Remain faithful in giving in your tithes and offerings. You can give online, mail it in to our PO Box 684, Princeton, KY 42445,  drop it by the office or we will even come and pick it up if you want us too!
  • Practice social distancing & keeping in touch with loved ones and friends via social media, texts and phone calls
  • Beginning tomorrow, Pastor Kyle will send out scripture that we can all study together
 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.  Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.   Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.   Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.”
Romans 12:10-13

6 Ways to hear and watch Southside Sermons

As of RIGHT NOW (Wednesday, March 18th), Southside Baptist is NOT MEETING tonight, nor this Sunday for services. All events (including Children’s Bowling & Youth Night at Paglia’s) are cancelled. This will be a WEEK BY WEEK call. But until we can gather as a Church family again, we want to give you 6 options to listen/ watch our sermons.
  1. Medicom, Channel 95. Sunday School is from 9-10am followed by the Church service from 10-11am. Church Service at 6-7pm. Monday & Tuesday you may watch from 6:30-8:30pm
  2. WPKY. Tune in on Sundays from 10-11am. You may listen live HERE
  3. Our SSB website is updated midweek with a downloadable audio file of the sermon HERE and any video updates HERE
  4. Southside’s Youtube Channel (did you even know we had a Youtube channel?) You can find it HERE or search for Southside Baptist Princeton, KY on Youtube. We will post upcoming sermons here as well fro you to watch.
  5. SSB Facebook page. This is where you will find the most up-to-date information and in the future, videos of the upcoming sermons.
  6. Southside- Princeton APP. We have an APP and it is active (and still a work in progress)!!! Go to your app store and download the Sharefaith app. We are listed as ‘Southside- Princeton’. It allows for listening to the sermons, watching video updates, online giving, etc. Go and explore! We are working on some things to make it better, but it is just one more way to be connected. We hope to have a video tutorial soon to guide you through the steps.